IHE Delft
Country: Netherlands
Type of organisation: Research institute
Role in the project: IHE will be R&D Manager coordinating WP2 to develop and adapt the BIO4AFRICA small-scale bio-based solutions to the African rural context, and undertaking all necessary laboratory tests and modelling. IHE will support local African partners in the implementation of HTC at pilot level in Uganda and Senegal as well as in the validation of the technology outputs.
IHE Delft in partnership with UNESCO, is the largest international water education facility in the world. Its mission is to contribute to the education and training of professionals, expand the knowledge base through research and strengthen the capacity of organisations active in the fields of water and environment to address their development challenges. More than 150 PhD fellows are currently enrolled in water-related research and about 120 water research and capacity development projects are carried out throughout the world. This includes safe drinking water & sanitation, water-related hazards and climate change, water & ecosystems’ quality, water management & governance, water, food & energy security, and information & knowledge systems.